Eczema in Stuart and Tequesta, FL

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What is Eczema?

Eczema is a term for a series of skin conditions that are caused by various allergic reactions or sometimes from the body's reaction to an immune system deficiency. The result may cause redness of the skin, discoloration, and itchy patches similar to dermatitis. Oftentimes, the inflammation itself is merely dermatitis. This can occur anywhere on your body, including the hands, neck, face, or other regions. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type and is usually the consequence of an allergic response. This condition normally starts in childhood. At Spyglass Dermatology in Stuart and Tequesta, FL, Dr. Ryan A. Schuering will strive to diagnose exactly what is causing the irritation so that a precise treatment program can be produced and completed.

Am I A Candidate For Eczema Treatment?

More than 31 million people in the United States are affected by some form of eczema. This skin condition affects children and adults of all ages, races, sexes, and ethnicities. While children can grow out of eczema, many adults continue to experience the itchy, red, scaly, and blistered skin that eczema can cause. If you regularly suffer with these eczema effects and you've tried at-home remedies with little to no effect, you may be an ideal candidate for a personalized eczema treatment at Spyglass Dermatology. During your consultation, Dr. Schuering will examine your skin and listen to your concerns to determine if you are a candidate. He will then work with you to devise the best treatment plan to help you find relief and achieve clearer, healthier skin.

What causes Eczema?

The medical community is not entirely certain what causes eczema, though it's thought to be brought on by several factors. Immune system abnormalities, genetics, the environment, skin irritants, and skin barrier defects are among the most common causes. Family history plays a significant role because specific genes may cause individuals to have really sensitive skin. A patient with relatives who suffer from asthma or allergies can have an increased risk of developing skin conditions like eczema.

What are the symptoms of Eczema?

This condition is frequently characterized by red, itchy, dry skin in addition to persistent breakouts. In most cases, the skin will start to feel itchy before a rash shows up. Many patients encounter patches of skin that are chronically itchy, dry, or thickened. These patches can appear anywhere but largely happen in the face, neck, chest, legs, or hands. With kids, spots can appear on the inner creases of their knees and elbows. Once your skin is scratched, dry spots and open sores with crust could develop and can become infected. Severe symptoms could include pus-filled blisters or even a yellow to light brown crust developing over existing eczema patches, which might be a sign of a fungal infection.

How Does Eczema Treatment Work?

Eczema can be treated with a variety of over-the-counter or prescribed medications and ointments. Hydrocortisone ointments and creams can be used in addition to antihistamines, like Benadryl, to help relieve symptoms. Prescription medications like immunomodulators or steroid creams can assist those with severe eczema. A corticosteroid or oral steroid might also be prescribed. In severe conditions, ultraviolet light therapy or laser treatment may also be applied to the affected regions. When other solutions have failed, immunosuppressants may be prescribed since these medications suppress the immune system.

Eczema FAQs

Where does eczema come from?
There are a variety of factors that can cause eczema. Some you may want to pay attention to include genetics, allergies, auto-immune deficiencies, and stress. These factors are not isolated, and there may be multiple areas worth paying attention to.

Do people outgrow eczema?
Eczema is often found in children. The vast majority of pediatric patients who are diagnosed with eczema grow out of it as they age. However, if you had eczema as a child, you may still notice the effects of it on your skin quality and texture.

Can eczema go away?
As of now, there is no permanent cure for eczema or atopic dermatitis. Once diagnosed, you may be likely to experience flare-ups at any point in your life. However, along with your diagnosis, we will be able to help you manage and reduce your symptoms here at Spyglass Dermatology.

Get Relief For Eczema

Whether you have suffered from eczema for years with little relief or have just recently noticed an itchy rash and a change to your skin, there are numerous treatment options available. Implementing a multi-step treatment approach that includes prevention, detection, and therapy allows you not just to manage your condition, but also to see a significant decrease in symptoms. Find help from your eczema-related symptoms today at Spyglass Dermatology.

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