Acne Treatment in Stuart and Tequesta, FL

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What is Acne?

Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disorder in the United States and has been a nuisance to many adolescents and young adults. Those with acne can suffer from social stigmatization and even long-term scarring after the acne has resolved. 85% of people between the ages of 12 and 24 suffer from acne, and it persists into adulthood for 26% of women and 12% of men. It most commonly appears on the face but can also be on the chest and back. Given that acne can be physically and psychologically detrimental, severe acne should be treated aggressively to prevent scarring. Dr. Ryan A. Schuering and the rest of our staff at Spyglass Dermatology in Stuart and Tequesta, FL, are highly trained in finding the correct form of treatment for each of our patients in order to alleviate acne outbreaks.

Am I a Candidate for Acne Treatment?

Virtually anyone that is experiencing the effects of acne vulgaris can be a great candidate for this treatment. While almost anyone can experience acne, it is especially prominent in teenagers. Usually, we notice that our patients that receive the best results from acne treatment have:

  • Increased hormones, leading to sebum production
  • Sticky, dead skin cells, causing clogged pores
  • Increased bacterial flora
  • Increased inflammation

What Causes Acne?

Numerous factors work in conjunction to produce acne, with clogged pores and hormones playing a big role. As hormones start to increase around puberty, the skin produces more oil (sebum). This combined with sticky dead skin cells, causes our pores to clog up. Normal bacteria on our skin also get trapped in these pores, triggering an inflammatory response in the skin. Clogged pores without a large number of bacteria give us our whiteheads and blackheads, whereas larger bacterial counts help create inflammatory lesions like pustules, papules, cysts, and nodules.

While these are the primary causes of acne, there are a number of other factors, including:

  • High-glycemic index diet
  • Insulin resistance
  • Hormone imbalance, such as in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Medications such as steroids and anticonvulsants
  • Occlusive cosmetics or moisturizers
  • High environmental humidity

How Can Acne be Treated?

Today, there are numerous effective treatments available for acne. Because of the many factors behind acne, a one-size-fits-all treatment option is often not enough. Therapies should be personalized to each patient, given their unique circumstances.

The treatment goals are to unclog pores, reduce acne-causing bacteria, decrease sebum production and inflammation. Prevention of scarring from acne is also important. A combination of therapies is often utilized. Therapies like topical retinoids are used to help unclog pores by increasing the exfoliation of dead skin cells. Chemical peels containing glycolic acid and salicylic acid can aid in exfoliation and oil reduction. Topical and oral antibiotics help to reduce the skin’s bacterial count as well as inflammation. Phototherapy can also be used to reduce bacteria and inflammation. Women with hormonally driven acne or PCOS may be candidates for oral contraceptives or other oral therapies to address hormonal balances. In severe cases of nodular and cystic acne, isotretinoin (previously known as Accutane) is effective in the reduction of the skin’s oil production. The results from acne treatment are not immediate, and improvement can be seen over a period of about 4 – 8 weeks.

Acne FAQ

Almost everyone has dealt with acne at some point in their lives. It’s one of the most common skin issues and one of the most commonly seen by dermatologists. However, acne comes in many shapes, colors, and sizes and sometimes pops up when you least expect it.

Can what I eat cause breakouts?

The short answer is ‘no.’ The primary trigger for acne breakouts is hormone fluctuations. Hormones stimulate oil glands which can clog pores. Then, when bacteria begins to grow, you get a shiny new pimple on your face or body. When you experience a change in your hormones, this can affect your food choices, but they are not the main cause of acne.

Why do I keep breaking out if I’m washing my face daily?

Having a good skin routine is important to keeping your skin healthy, but sometimes we do more harm than good. Some facial products can aggravate your skin and even push oil into your pores, causing more acne to pop up. Alcohol-based products dry out your skin, which can lead to increased oil production in your glands. While this alone won’t give you acne, those products are not helping the way we think they are. Sticking with a gentle cleanser and visiting your dermatologist are two ways you can keep acne at bay.

Will I ever be rid of my acne?

Whether you’re entering puberty or you’re an adult with acne, there is never a good time to have a breakout. Usually, acne will go away on its own after you’ve made it through puberty, but not always. The best way to get rid of acne is to partner with your dermatologist to find the right treatment for your skin.

Cleanse Your Skin

Acne often stops men and women of many ages from feeling confident in their appearance. Fortunately, acne treatment has proven to be incredibly effective for many of these patients in restoring the complexion of their skin. Visit Spyglass Dermatology today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Schuering at our office in Stuart and Tequesta, FL, to learn more about what this treatment can do for you.

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