IPL Photofacial | Stuart and Tequesta, FL

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What is IPL?

IPL is a great option for photorejuvenation with minimal to no downtime. IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light, also known as a photofacial. This therapy allows you to improve the color and the texture of the skin. Unlike lasers that emit a specific wavelength, IPL releases a range of wavelengths at the same time. This broad-based light can help improve multiple skin conditions simultaneously. The light penetrates into the dermis and is absorbed by pigmented objects in the skin. As the spots are absorbing light, they heat up and are selectively removed. The procedure is non-ablative, which means it does not damage the surface of the skin.

What are the benefits of an IPL Photofacial?

IPL photofacials are known at Spyglass Dermatology for their transforming qualities. A number of of the advantages that our Stuart and Tequesta, FL individuals gain from their IPL photofacials are:

  • Smoother skin tone and texture
  • Neutralizing of uneven pigment and sun spots
  • Refreshed, transformed skin appearance
  • Relaxing, enjoyable procedure that supports total skin vibrance


What Can IPL Be Used For?

IPL can be used to improve the color and texture of the skin. It can be used anywhere on the body but is most often used on the face, neck, chest, and hands. The light can be used to treat red blotchy skin to brown aging spots. Several sessions may be required for optimal results. IPL can be used to improve the following:

  • Sun damage
  • Age or liver spots
  • Acne
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Freckles
  • Redness from rosacea
  • Small visible blood vessels or spider veins
  • Discolored skin
  • Unwanted hair

How Do I Prepare for an IPL Session?

Prior to your IPL photofacial, you should avoid prolonged sun exposure and tanning, including artificial tanning with creams. Tanned skin will make it more difficult for the IPL to target pigmented areas of concern. Chemical peels and topical retinoids should be postponed because they can increase the sensitivity of the skin.

What Are the Risks of IPL?

Most patients experience mild redness or swelling after the procedure, which lasts a day or two. The skin will look and feel as if you’ve had a mild sunburn. Risks can include bruising, blistering, changes in skin color, and infection. Spot treatment may be recommended prior to a full session to evaluate the skin’s response to therapy.

When Should IPL Not Be Used?

  • If you are sensitive to light
  • Have recently tanned, including artificial tanning with creams
  • Might have skin cancer
  • Have darker skin tones
  • Produce keloids when scarring
  • A recent skin infection
  • If you suffer from an active skin condition like eczema

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Schuering today to discuss if IPL is right for you.


How much does IPL cost?
Your skin is unique, so the cost of IPL treatments will vary based on your goals. Spyglass Dermatology offers specials on treatments like IPL often and we accept many forms of payment. During your initial consultation, we can help estimate your cost and determine the number of treatments needed to fit your needs and goals.

How quick are the results from IPL?
Improvements can usually be seen after one session, but final results can be seen a month after a full series of treatments is completed. It is common for patients to respond differently to every treatment session. You should notice fading of redness, blotchiness, and spots (age, brown, and sun) over time.

What are the possible side effects of IPL?
You may have mild, temporary side effects, like swelling, redness, blisters, crusting, or bruising. This should go away on its own 2 – 3 days following your treatment. Your skin will be sun sensitive and you should keep in mind that excessive damaging UV rays will negatively impact the results of the procedure. We also recommend using sunscreen to protect your skin and avoid damage like spots and redness.

Elevate Your Skin

Even if you didn't prioritize your skin's health when it was clear, you might now be interested in treatments to enhance your complexion. At Spyglass Dermatology in Stuart and Tequesta, FL, we offer IPL photofacial treatments to address these concerns. This treatment penetrates deep into the skin's layers to help you achieve a healthier, more radiant look.

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